My worldview, like that of many in the field of alternative medicine, promotes the integration of different fields into a fabric that changes reality, the reality of the content of our lives and their quality, the content and quality of our physical, emotional, mental and social environment.

Any method that does not see diet, supplements, physical exercise, creativity and the joy of doing, as one part of a whole, does not achieve its purpose – to march the person, and his environment with him, to the next stage of development.

Only and only in this perception, in the combinations between the components, in the balance of their sons, will one or the other choose to walk the path of healing and perfection, while increasing the intensities of experience and renewal, for themselves and their environment, the greatest reward.

At SHOSS.COM I unite the spirit and the material, between BEEBUTT.COM and TVILA.CO.IL and offer to go on a journey, beyond the diet and the unique supplements I collected for him on the site, also a way of life, meetings with other walkers along the way, leaders, teachers, researchers And deed, workers, artists, and all who in their souls burning passion, the desire to innovate, to inspire, to experience all the good that the good Creator has given us in this world.

At SHOSS.COM I hold live meetings, with these people, over a glass of healthy smoothie, a meal, an extract with medicinal properties, which has been broadcast, talked, laughed, created, shared and connected with you for a time worth its weight in gold and precious stones.

At SHOSS.COM, as mentioned, you will find the unique products, herbs, preparations and supplements that I have developed and in my perception will give your life the optimal envelope, along with products that alternative physical and mental medicine has to offer. At SHOSS.COM, they come in an experiential, participatory, supportive and expansive packaging.

On the site, I offer for free download, the books “Pruning. Participate in the act of creation” written while corresponding with my best friend, during perhaps the most difficult period of our lives. Through “Pruning” we make order in the entanglement, go down to the roots and connect to the living sources and abundance. The book is adorned with amazing pictures of trees, taken by my gifted daughter Abigail and all that goodness, from me to you for free no money.

Together with the mental and physical practice at BEEBUTT.COM and the springs at TVILA.CO.IL, the three sites, each on its own and all three together, are part of the whole that I give you with love.


Amikam Schosberger – Founder of the method.